Pastor Search Process
This is an overview of where we are at in the pastor search process, and what to expect as we move through the various steps. Check back frequently, as we will be updating this page with new information and details as the search continues.

It takes a team of people to find a new minister
The Permanent Search Committee is a group of congregants who have volunteered their time and talents to help us in this important mission, and they are the group most involved in the search. Their first big job will be to complete a church profile that reflects who we are and what our priorities are as a congregation. Once our profile is published on the UCC Ministry Opportunities web page, they will begin to receive and review profiles of potential candidates.
Church lay leadership is also very involved in the search for a new pastor. The exec team (our moderator, treasurer, and secretary) recommends a slate of candidates for the permanent search committee to the council, which votes on the recommendation. The moderator and other members of the exec team also work as a liaison between the IL conference and our search committee.
The National Headquarters of the United Church of Christ oversees the UCC Profiles Office. This office manages the UCC Ministerial Profiles Portal and the UCC Ministry Opportunities Listing. It also develops the template for the local church profile. Using these web-based resources, we can attract and interview candidates from all over the country.
The IL Conference of the United Church of Christ is our regional association and the third-largest UCC conference in the country. Part of its mission is to support IL Conference congregations and clergy during times of transition. Rev. Shernell Edney Stilley was recently approved as the new IL Conference Associate Conference Minister for Pastoral Transitions and will be taking over from the current minister, Rev. Stephanie Perdew, in June. Rev. Perdew and Rev. Stilley will be sharing candidate profiles with our search team and helping guide us through the process.
The Congregation also plays an important role! Through listening sessions, surveys, and conversations with our search committee and leadership team, YOU will help us decide on our priorities and profile. Please share with us your hopes and dreams, as well as your worries or concerns about a new pastor.
If you have any questions about the process or the timeline, please contact our moderator, Theresa Hus
Latest News
Rev. Kari Nicewander will be joining our congregation in June 2025 as our new full time minister! In the interim, we are pleased to have Rev. Ramona Gant as our bridge pastor until Rev. Kari joins us full-time. Unlike an interim pastor, who typically serves during an active search, a bridge pastor provides stability as we prepare for an already-identified settled pastor. During this time, Rev. Ramona will focus on providing spiritual leadership, pastoral care, and continuity. Her responsibilities include leading worship, offering pastoral care, supporting our staff, engaging with our youth and families, and preparing us for a seamless handover to our settled pastor.
FAQs about the process