You are welcome here – truly

Support for the LGBTQIA+ community has been a priority for First Congregational for decades, and we have officially been an Open and Affirming (ONA) congregation since 1997. Our ONA status is more than just a title; it reflects our dedication to creating a welcoming and supportive environment where everyone can explore their faith, grow spiritually, and find a loving community.

Our building is old, but our theology is not

From marching in local Pride parades to hosting Youth Outlook since 1998, calling an openly lesbian associate pastor in 2005 (Rev. Katie Morrison), and participating in our first blessing of a gender transition in 2019, we put our inclusive and social-justice-oriented faith into action.

What we offer

We care for each other, the community, and the planet, and we take concrete steps to prove it:

Welcoming worship services: We offer inclusive, non-dogmatic worship services where diversity is embraced and everyone is welcome to fully participate.

Supportive community: Small group activities, social events, and outreach programs provide the opportunity to connect, find support, and share in our commitment to justice and equality.

Advocacy and action: With a commitment to social justice and environmental advocacy, we strive to make a positive impact on our community and the world. We actively engage in advocacy for LGBTQIA+ rights, partnering with local organizations.

Whether you’re exploring your faith or seeking a community that embraces you as you are, First Congregational Church UCC of Naperville welcomes you. Join us!

“One thing I think we must do as Christians, I do right now and apologize from the depths of my heart and soul to every one here who has felt that sting of rejection from Christians. I am so very sorry that you have suffered and still hurt. If I could pour healing oil onto those gaping wounds, I would, but I can only stand here and point to Christ, who knows what you feel, because he was sorely rejected and betrayed by those of his own faith. He can be that healing oil for you too.”

– Eva-Genevieve! Scarborough, transgender Christian activist and member of First Congregational UCC