I’m New2023-04-30T15:08:08-05:00

A little bit about us

New to First Congregational or thinking of visiting? We strive to create an environment that is welcoming to all, wherever you are on your faith journey. Our worship begins at 10 AM each Sunday morning, both in-person and online, and greeters will be on hand to assist you with anything you need.

Can you accommodate people with disabilities?2020-05-13T17:46:10-05:00

Just as we welcome visitors and members of every ethnicity, socioeconomic position, gender, sexual orientation, and age, we also welcome people of every ability. We have ADA-compliant restrooms, large-print bulletins, and assisted listening devices available at each worship service. We invite you to speak to an usher if you need assistance. Families with special-needs children are welcomed as well; your child can stay in service or attend Sunday school, whatever is most comfortable for them – please let us know how we can make your experience more enjoyable!

Are children welcome in service? Is there nursery care or Sunday School?2020-04-23T21:58:38-05:00

Nursery care is provided for both infants and toddlers (to age 3) from 9:45 a.m. until the conclusion of the worship service each week. The nursery is located on the north side of the church, between the Community Room and the sanctuary (ushers will be happy to direct you!). Our nursery has trained, paid, and experienced staff to care for your children. Older children, preschool to grade 5, are invited to participate in Children’s Time before leaving for Sunday School at approximately 10:15 AM. Of course, babies, toddlers, and children of all ages are always welcome to stay in service also! Please ask an usher to direct you to the nursery or Sunday School classrooms where you may meet your child after service.

Do you have communion every Sunday, and can I participate?2020-04-23T21:58:33-05:00

We offer communion on the first Sunday of each month. The communion table is the table of God, not of First Congregational, and all are welcome to participate.

What should I wear to First Congregational?2020-04-23T21:57:54-05:00

Come as you are! Some people wear dress clothes, some wear casual clothes, and others are more comfortable in jeans. At First Congregational of Naperville, we welcome you wherever you are on life’s journey and however you are dressed.

Where do I park and where do I enter the service?2025-02-22T19:12:39-06:00

On Sundays, visitors are welcome to park in our lot on the north side of the church or in adjacent lots, including the Guidepost Montessori School parking lot, unless otherwise marked. Street parking is also available.

For additional parking, the Van Buren Parking Deck can be entered from Benton Avenue, just west of Washington Street.

The main entrance is at the corner of Benton and Center, and the accessible entrances are off the parking lot. The sanctuary is closest to Center Street, while the Community Room is nearest to Washington Street.

Where and when are services?2020-04-23T21:58:12-05:00

Services are Sunday morning at 10:00 AM. We are located at 25 E. Benton Ave., on the corner of Benton and Washington Streets in downtown Naperville.

Where are the bathrooms located?2024-12-26T12:24:04-06:00

There is an accessible bathroom located in the northwest area of the church, between the nursery and the Community Room. It can be located by exiting the sanctuary from the door closest to the back parking lot. There are also bathrooms near the Sunday School rooms.

What happens during a usual service?2020-04-23T22:07:34-05:00

You’ll receive a printed bulletin (like a guide for the service) when you come into the sanctuary. It will have the plan for that Sunday’s worship, which will include a mixture of prayer, song, scripture readings, and a sermon. There is an offering, but don’t worry, many members choose to give electronically, so you will not stand out if you don’t participate. Communion is offered on the first Sunday of the month.

What is your style of service?2020-04-23T22:07:05-05:00

We are a progressive congregation with a traditional worship service. Music is also an important part of our service. You can find out more in our Worship on Sunday section.

If I do decide to join the church, what does that entail?2020-04-23T22:06:25-05:00

Several times a year, our pastor holds classes for newcomers to find out more about our church. If you’re interested, please contact the church office or let the pastor know. You can also leave your name and contact information in the black “Welcome Pads” in each pew.

Can I participate without joining the church?2020-04-23T22:05:34-05:00

Yes! We have many friends that regularly attend FCUCC and that’s perfectly okay. Our desire is to help people grow in their relationship with God and each other, whether or not they are members. If you aren’t ready, we hope you’ll continue to attend services, get connected with others, and participate in other FCUCC events as you desire.

Are there refreshments after worship?2024-12-26T12:23:41-06:00

We would love to have you join us for fellowship time after service. We hold fellowship time in the Community Room, which is at the west end of our building. Just follow the crowd, and enjoy coffee, treats, and conversation.

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