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The annual Epiphantine Party will be held on Sunday, February 16 at 2:00 in the Community Room. All ages are invited to this annual get-together to celebrate “talents,” play games, share laughs and raise money for our Music With a Mission concerts.

If you or anyone in your family has a unique and/or actual talent, comic routine, song, magic act, etc., this is the chance to share it with a really appreciative audience. Or, if you’d rather just hang out and enjoy your fellow congregants and have a fun afternoon, that’s fine too. If you can, please bring some baked goods to sell (and your checkbook or cash) to help raise money for the MWaM program. We will also have the White Elephant table if you’d like to share (unload) something there – only if you promise to take it home if it is not snatched up.

If you have questions or already know a talent you would like to share, please talk to or contact Chris Lorimer. Mark your calendars now so you don’t miss it; but don’t worry, I’m sure there will be a few announcements about it before February 16 – you couldn’t possibly forget about it!

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